Hey all!
My name's Chae. I have a love for mainly fashion and anything related to nails. I've just started collecting nail polish a couple months ago so I don't have a huge selection compared to many other nail polish bloggers.
I've been a long time reader of many blogs and I've been thinking of starting my own, but didn't know where to begin... Until Elizabeth & I decided to start a joint blog! (:
I love to paint nails, write, and take photos. (which is why I'm writing my part in this blog!)
See you around!
My name is Liz or Elizabeth, whichever you prefer. I have a love for everything beauty. I've always had a love for fashion since I was a little kid. I've recently started getting into nails and makeup. I know I will have a strong passion for those too in the near future. I've been especially into skincare. I have acne so I am of course trying out new products and finding out what's good and what's not. I've always loved watching the beauty gurus on Youtube and they always inspired me. I wanted to become a beauty guru on Youtube, but then me and Chae decided to start a blog instead. Hopefully sometime in the future we can start a Youtube channel, but for now we're BLOGGING!(: See you guys soon and have a wonderful day!(: